Opening hours

We are open during regular programs and booked sessions. We are also open to the public on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 3:30pm to 8:00pm. 

If you would like to visit us outside of these opening hours, please submit a booking request for our facilities, stadium or squash courts.

Feel free to contact us for more information.


  • Facility hire prices
    Meeting room hire (private hire) $49.50 per hour
    Meeting room hire (funerals) $100.00 flat rate
    Meeting room hire (community groups / charities) $31.70 per hour
    Stadium hire (for schools) $13.00 per hour
    Stadium hire (sports clubs) $40.00 per hour
    Stadium hire (non-licensed private function) $589.00 per function
    Stadium hire (licensed private function) $857.00 per function